
€348.00 (VAT incl.)
Flanders “verdure” from the early 17th century. At the beginning of this century, the considerable expansion of the new sciences such as botany, inspired Brussels weavers who tapestries known as "verdures". The...
€219.00 (VAT incl.)
Tapisserie représentant une divinité du Congo sur des motifs colorés et géométriques très typés de cette belle culture.
€69.00 (VAT incl.)
The Leone San Marco tapestry 7902 is a jacquard tapestry in red chenille for the background and in real golden thread. It shines and sparkles on all sides.
€69.00 (VAT incl.)
The Leone San Marco tapestry is a jacquard tapestry in red chenille for the background and classic for the brown and yellow colours.

